Unified Driving License registration norms to be effective

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has issued a unified driving license and vehicle registration norm in India which will be effective from October 1, 2019. According to the upcoming norms, every driving license or registration card across all states will have the same appearance and security features along with a QR Code which will keep a record of the driver’s data and penalties of up to 10 years.

The reverse side of the driving license will have an emergency contact number.


The new regulation aims at creating a central online database of all the vehicles and drivers. Traffic policemen will also be given a handy tracking device to read the QR Code spontaneously to catch hold of the offender even for the past violations. The state government, however, will be allowed to install a chip and additional features into the card like the near field communication (NFC) feature. The new licenses will also contain information about the limitations of differently-abled drivers and the modification done to their vehicle.

The vehicle registration card will embody the fuel type and emission details along with the owner’s details, upfront.

The government will also improve the quality of the cards as the printing on the current ones fades with them aging. The QR Code and elaborative details of the type of motor vehicles, the license holder is entitled to drive, will be printed on the reverse side of the card. Moreover, an emergency contact number will also be printed on the reverse side of the card……..Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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