PUBG Tips to survive the night in Zombie mode

PUBG Mobile has brought a new dimension to the Battle Royale by introducing the Survive Till Dawn or Zombie mode, where players fight opponents and swarms of zombies in order to win chicken dinner.

The nights are the toughest, when the zombie spawn increases and zombie bosses start
attacking you.


Thus, we bring five tips to survive the night in the Zombie mode.

How to survive the night in Zombie mode :-

Gather enough ammo and armor by the time darkness falls

The Survive Till Dawn mode has day cycles and the best time to stack up on loot and armor is while the light lasts.

The zombies attacking at this time are weak and few in number, so your priority should be looting optimally.

By the time night falls, the spawn of zombies increases manifold and you will need all your loot to survive.

Shotguns are your best friend aside from special weapons

While the Minigun and Flamethrower are ideally suited to handle swarms of zombies at once, shotguns are the next best weapons you can use.

Most of the zombie encounters will require close range hip firing for which shotguns are the best.

Grab an S12K and arm it with extended quickdraw magazine to give yourself a quick and deadly 12-gauge weapon to survive the night.

Head to the waters and keep swimming

The easiest way to survive the night is to find a water body and dive right in.

Zombies cannot follow you into the water.

If you head to a part of the water far away from the land, then the spitter zombies will not be able to harm you either.

Keep swimming through the night and you can easily live to see the sunrise.

Drive around in a car or keep running around

If a river or water body is not within the playzone, your next best option is to grab a vehicle.

Spend the night driving around and run over the weaker zombies to rake up some kills.

If you cannot find any vehicle then you can try running around, although the chances of getting swarmed by zombies are much higher in the latter option…..Read More>>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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