Here’s how to cast vote if your name is deleted from list

A voter must ensure that their name is in the voter list. The Election Commission says one is entitled to vote only if their name is in the electoral roll. However, voters’ names could sometimes go missing due to which they might not be allowed to vote. Here’s how one can vote even if their name is missing.

The presiding officers’ election handbook according to which a deleted voter can vote if they provide sufficient proof of existence. By showing Aadhaar card and submitting a photocopy can make a vote to cast his right
if he/she doesn’t have a voter card.


There is also an app called “Missing Voters” developed by Khalid Saifullah to help voters whose names are missing in the electoral roll. It helps them learn the exact process to cast vote if their name has been deleted from the electoral roll.

Section 18 of the Presiding Officers’ handbook has the provision that allows deleted voters to cast vote.

“The names of so many voters have been deleted. It is not possible that all deleted names will be in the ASD list,” said Khalid Saifullah.

“…You can vote only if your name is deleted and mentioned in the deleted list… If your name is not mentioned in the deleted list then you cannot do anything. You will have to re-apply,” he said…….Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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