Here is how you can update Aadhaar details online

Aadhaar is the 12-digit number issued to the citizens of India by Unique Identification Authority Of India (UIDAI), which also has biometric data linked to it. Aadhaar is linked to a host of government subsidies and benefits and is a crucial document for many citizens.

It is also mandatory to link Aadhaar with an individual’s permanent account number (PAN) card, so the demographic details must need to match across the documents. A registered mobile number is also needed for accessing Aadhaar services online. In case, you needs to update their demographic details, here are the procedures to follow:


Updating address on Aadhaar

Many times, we settle in different cities or towns for work, business or marriage, in such cases we need to update our address. Anyone can update their address online with the help of their registered mobile number using Aadhaar self-service Portal. However, a registered mobile number is a must as the user will receive a one-time password (OTP) for logging in.

First of all, the user will need to visit and click on ‘Update your address online’ option under the ‘Update Aadhaar’ section, this will open the Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal on a new tab.

In this, the portal will provide two options to the users through which they can update their address.

Method 1 – Updating with a valid address proof

1. Log in using their Aadhaar number, CAPTCHA image and OTP and click on ‘Update Address via Address Proof’ tab

2. Enter the latest/updated address and click on the Preview tab.

3. It will show the preview of the new address, select the checkbox below and click on Submit tab.

4. Select the Document type such as passport, bank statement, ration card, voter’s id card etc. and upload the scanned copy of the document and click Submit tab.

5. The page will generate a URN (Update request number). Write this down or click a photo of it for future reference.

In case a user does not have valid address proof, they can still get their address updated online with the help of Address Validation Letter sent by UIDAI………..Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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