Get update Aadhaar Without Valid Address Proof

People frequently relocate to new places, and changing the address on the official documents is often a headache.

Not anymore! The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has come up with a way to change the address on the Aadhar card, and this will help citizens who have migrated to other places. Aadhaar card holders can change their address by providing an address validation letter instead of a valid proof of address.


Aadhaar card holders are required to get consent from an address lender or verifier who will allow their residence, which should also be Aadhaar registered to be used by the resident. Once this part is over, you can visit the online portal of UIDAI to generate an address validation letter after logging in with your Aadhaar credentials. A letter with a secret code will be sent to the verifier’s address.

After this, you are required to log in again and after clicking on the proceed to update address’ in the UIDAI portal, provide the secret code….Read More>>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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