Easily get refund via PNR Linking when you missed a train

If you have to travel somewhere, the train is still the most preferred today. The biggest reason for this is its cheap and comfortable. However, sometimes it happens that you do not get a direct train for your destination and you have to reach more than one train and reach there. In such a scenario, there is always a fear that if the first train is late or canceled due to some reason then all the connecting train can be missed.

It also causes you financial loss because you have to cancel the ticket. In this situation, Indian Railways has introduced PNR Linking, a new initiative which will be effective from 1st April. Under this, you can get back the money of the second train in the case of the cancellation or delay of the first train.


Easily refund via PNR Linking

On booking tickets, a PNR number is available. Through this number, the full details of the passenger can be received, which you have given at the time of booking the ticket. Through this, the status of your seat in the train is also known. If you have booked two trains, then two PNR numbers will be generated but both of them can be linked under Indian Railways’s new initiative. By doing this the passengers will get a refund easily. If there is a second train in the event of the first train late or canceling the train, then the railway will withdraw money only from the train that you have traveled, the money from the second train will be returned to you.

Some important things

  • The passenger details in both the tickets should be the same.
  • These rules are valid for all class tickets.
  • The station where the first train has reached and the station from where the second train is to be held will be canceled only at that station……….Read More>>


Source:- financialexpress


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